Full bundle of lessons, activities, homework and writing frames for the BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Level 1 / 2. This is the work for Component 1 Assignment 1.
Lessons are differentiated in line with the learning outcomes.
A 20 page homework or revision booklet for section A of component 3. Includes a variety of activities and practice exam questions.
2 ready made assessment style case studies with the questions at the back.
Home learning resource with activities centred around drug use.
Suitable for secondary aged children.
All information is included so you do not need to do any additional research. Tasks can be completed on a printed copy if required.
Do you want your children to learn the importance of a healthy diet? Are you struggling to get your children to eat a range of foods? In this home learning booklet your children will learn about the importance of balance and how to construct a healthy diet.
This booklet covers parts of the science and PSHE curriculum, moving forwards to link with Physical Education and Health and Social Care.
The booklet has all of the information that you will need and includes tasks to be completed by your child.
Who are we? Are we born this way? How does primary and secondary socialisation affect us?
This bundle is aimed at year 9 health and social care students but would also work well for sociology students. Modelled on the first award unit 4, this small topic prepares students to progress onto the new tech award. This bundle includes 5 lessons and a coursework style assessment.
Activities have differentiation by outcome with clear reference to different assessment criteria, helping your students to understand the command approach to BTEC.
What are health promotions? How do you make an effective health campaign?
Full short topic to teach to year 9 health and social care. Prepare your students for starting the tech award by running this dummy unit based on the first award unit 5.
Fully planned to cover two assessments. Differentiated work throughout.
How do our relationships affect our health and wellbeing? Which are positive and which are negative?
Part of the social influences topic (find other resources posted in my shop). These four lessons focus on the impact that different types of relationships have on our health and wellbeing.
Perfect for year 9 health and social care students who are soon to start their tech award but would also work as a series of PSHE lessons.
Lessons are differentiated by task and outcome.
Lessons, supporting information and assessment planning documents for component one learning aim B. This is the life events assignment.
Lesson bundle includes-
Illness, accident and injury, divorce, new relationships and parenthood.
Lessons are fully differentiated with stretch and challenge tasks included, focus on distinction skills and personalised work for lower ability learners. WAGOLLs for the assignment are included.
Help your students structure their assignments in a way to achieve the highest grades, preparing them to write their assignment in confidence.
Full lesson with differentiated support resources. All lesson is differentiated by task and outcome.
Focus on social integration, deepening student knowledge by focusing on the current loneliness epidemic.
Lesson on stress for component three of the new tech award. Lesson is differentiated by task and outcome. Builds student understanding of what stress is and the strategies to overcome feeling stressed.
Although assessment criteria meets component three, this would also be a suitable lesson for PSHE.
Six lessons for teaching the new BTEC Tech Award in Health and Social Care Component 3.
Included in this bundle is;
-Genetic Inheritance
-Substance Abuse
-Personal Hygiene
-Social Integration
Bought on their own, each lesson is £2.50. This price is saving you £5.00
All lessons include differentiation by task and outcome.
A selection of revision resources and work from home activities suitable for level 2 health and social care students.
4 booklets in total. £4.25 saving.
A lesson looking at what is the difference between friendships and relationships, why we feel differently about people and what makes a good relationship.
Includes two activities and discussion work.
This went down well with my culturally diverse class of year 7's.
A lesson looking at what considerations we have to make before becoming sexually active. Aimed at year 8. Also considers what influences our own opinions about sex and when it is suitable to have sex. Includes a power point, lesson plan and card sort activity.
This is a power point that presents facts about cannabis, cocaine, methadrone and methamphetamine. It includes the law, their appearances, their effects and their street names. The best way to present this is with an accompanying question sheet about the content of the presentation. With discussion and questions this power point takes about 30 minutes to present.